Post by Ladyfingers on May 31, 2020 13:00:33 GMT
This is something I'd always wanted to see. It's as its reputation suggests, a mixed bag. Goldthwait's clearly having a go at the world of standup comedy here, so if you're not clued into that world then that satirical component might not elevate your viewing experience.
It doesn't work perfectly - or even very much - but there's a cartoonish visionary quality here that I feel deserves some respect. The movie constructs a world of birthday party clowns who are permanently in costume, with their own bars, attendant groupies, fighting with each other about clown stuff and with rival entertainer cultures like mimes and rodeo clowns. This effectively predicted Adult Swim's sense of humour and sometimes feels like a spiritual ancestor to Bad Santa.
Every now and then it really nails a scene or a gag, but overall the pacing, control of tone and line delivery is just too slipshod for it to be good. It's interesting as an oddity but feels like an overlong sketch.
The Blu-ray is surprisingly decent for something as low-budget oddball as this. Great colour and nice grain levels for a movie that's actually shot better than it had any right to be.