Post by Ladyfingers on May 31, 2020 13:59:25 GMT
I never gave this a look due to the terrible cover art, but it cost me something like $3 including shipping on eBay and the reviews were interestingly divided and the synopsis appealed. I liked Youth in Revolt by the same director, and I'm glad I gave it a go. It's the sort of fish-out-of-water comedy that appeals to me, although in this case it's more a fish-in-slightly-shallower water, which makes his overwhelmed reactions to his podunk "big city" surrounds even funnier. It's acted well enough that you feel a bit mean for snickering at Ed Helms' smalltown innocence. Sigourney Weaver puts in a hilarious turn I'd never expected out of her. The only person who's a little out of place is John C. Reilly, whose performance is a bit too broad for this movie. This is small-stakes stuff, but all the better for it.