Post by Sprague Dawley on Jun 6, 2020 9:31:36 GMT
Another Marky Mark film. Another Will Ferrell film. Although Ferrell mostly plays it gormless arrow-straight in this one. Ectually, this is pretty slickly written although perhaps stretches the thespianic bridge between the boroughs of tuff guy and fun guy a wee bit too far for Marky Mark's comedic wheelhouse.
Good fun but FFS, file this fucken thing under the very recently dinosaured genre of "American Cops as Human Beings and Heroes".
That whole genre just got killed in the face by smartphones cataloging every 3rd one of these police fucks in the real world as klan kunt war fucks senselessly armed to the teeth who will shoot a homeless elderly disabled war vet right in the fucking face just to yield any sort of interest-bearing deposit into their fap city spankbank.
Funny to look at a film like this here now in June 2020. Suddenly COMPLETELY untenable zeitgeist-wise in today's climate. "Cops? Portrayed as human beings? GTFO. No way any audience bar the MAGA NRA imbeciles will buy that shit now. May as well have had the whole cast made up of dogs and pigs cos that's all I can see. Just a whole bunch of woof woof oink oink bark bark bang bang".
thinks "perineum" might be a type of disinfectant
Posts: 290
Post by hiccup on Oct 7, 2020 21:16:42 GMT
I found this very funny, there was one scene at the beginning in the office that was especially funny but can't remember it.
Marky Wahlberg is a good actor.
Post by passportsworkvisas on Oct 8, 2020 13:08:24 GMT
I found this very funny, there was one scene at the beginning in the office that was especially funny but can't remember it. Marky Wahlberg is a good actor. He's good only at playing a dickbag cop; however, he's got some range in that subcategory: The Other Guys (comedy) and The Departed (drama).
thinks "perineum" might be a type of disinfectant
Posts: 290
Post by hiccup on Oct 8, 2020 21:01:10 GMT
I found this very funny, there was one scene at the beginning in the office that was especially funny but can't remember it. Marky Wahlberg is a good actor. He's good only at playing a dickbag cop; however, he's got some range in that subcategory: The Other Guys (comedy) and The Departed (drama). he's also good at playing drug-addicted porn stars.