Post by Sprague Dawley on Dec 23, 2020 10:49:47 GMT
What the ARSESHART was going on here? Starts out as a rom-com then Tom gets {Spoiler}"horribly disfigured" (ffs he didnt look that bad) then the whole film goes downhill fast into a moping morass of poor, poor rich guy Tom and his slightly asymetrical jawline. TOM. Why the fuck do you think anyone wants to tune in to this miserable shit under the guise of entertainment? ARE YOU LISTENING TOM? 42% on RT. Cried off after 45 mins.
thinks "perineum" might be a type of disinfectant
Posts: 290
Post by hiccup on Dec 24, 2020 1:47:08 GMT
I like this one. The original is far better though.