Post by Sprague Dawley on Feb 2, 2019 23:40:50 GMT
Patriots Day (2017)
Cosplay reenactment of the Boston marathon bombing. Starring Marky Mahk and his Funky Bunch. **SPOILER** the funky bunch are all dressed as cops in this one. So cute! Anyway, I was prepared to hate this major motion movie picture based purely on its cockwailing seppowrench of a premise. The title, the theme, the actor. But actually, it looked really well done. Got a good score on RT.
Started pre-race, setting up the various "characters" in their abodes, yeah these'll be the heroes, presumably later in various stages of "what do you mean my leg is fucking GONE?"
Shit, I dunno if I can watch this.
Confession Time: once the bombing ended, and the gory ER amputee porn kicked, in I stopped watching. I'm sorry! Yeah, fuck that shit. Mr fucken Magoo could see how this one pans out. Cue the music, we're gonna GET doze terrorists. Uhh, if you're all such "patriots" then why did you treat those different looking fellas like such cunts for their whole lives in America, marginalising them, and, hello, playing no small part in turning them against you into radicalisation? Oops, dont mention that part. Cue da music! Fucking a-raaaabss...
So without having seen 75% of this movie I can safely say your basic seppo will crack a MASSIVE fat over this one. It's got everything they need. Marky Mark, terrorists, blood, bad guys, da good guys, da bombs, da guns
Another confession time; I was hoping Marky Mark would get his nutsack blown clean the fuck off in this one. Now THAT'S a happy ending in my book. Alas it was not to be. Hollywood doesnt put out many 30-minute major motion movie blockbusters. No, you'll need 2 more hours of heartwrenching, weeping, soaring strings, amputee porn, heroic officers of the law, kleenex to wipe your tears and jizz smeg off the bandaged stumps, and happy endings.
Fucken shitty little bombs in rucksacks.
Dumbarse seppos, here's what a real fucken terrorist looks like:
Cosplay reenactment of the Boston marathon bombing. Starring Marky Mahk and his Funky Bunch. **SPOILER** the funky bunch are all dressed as cops in this one. So cute! Anyway, I was prepared to hate this major motion movie picture based purely on its cockwailing seppowrench of a premise. The title, the theme, the actor. But actually, it looked really well done. Got a good score on RT.
Started pre-race, setting up the various "characters" in their abodes, yeah these'll be the heroes, presumably later in various stages of "what do you mean my leg is fucking GONE?"
Shit, I dunno if I can watch this.
Confession Time: once the bombing ended, and the gory ER amputee porn kicked, in I stopped watching. I'm sorry! Yeah, fuck that shit. Mr fucken Magoo could see how this one pans out. Cue the music, we're gonna GET doze terrorists. Uhh, if you're all such "patriots" then why did you treat those different looking fellas like such cunts for their whole lives in America, marginalising them, and, hello, playing no small part in turning them against you into radicalisation? Oops, dont mention that part. Cue da music! Fucking a-raaaabss...
So without having seen 75% of this movie I can safely say your basic seppo will crack a MASSIVE fat over this one. It's got everything they need. Marky Mark, terrorists, blood, bad guys, da good guys, da bombs, da guns
Another confession time; I was hoping Marky Mark would get his nutsack blown clean the fuck off in this one. Now THAT'S a happy ending in my book. Alas it was not to be. Hollywood doesnt put out many 30-minute major motion movie blockbusters. No, you'll need 2 more hours of heartwrenching, weeping, soaring strings, amputee porn, heroic officers of the law, kleenex to wipe your tears and jizz smeg off the bandaged stumps, and happy endings.
Fucken shitty little bombs in rucksacks.
Dumbarse seppos, here's what a real fucken terrorist looks like: