Post by Sprague Dawley on May 17, 2021 0:09:36 GMT
This is a kids film, right? Seems like it would be kind of terrifying for the wee ones. Meh, kids were tougher back in them olden days. Not like todays trigger-happy, phone addicted snowflakes and their fucking safe-place sookery Shamefully, I was a bit freaked out by this film and I'm almost 14 years old. Only 55% on RT? Weird, I thought it seemed way more iconic in the le filme milieuu than that. Robin Williams usually drives me fucking insaaaaaane but didn't mind him here. The old baddie hunter twit in the pith helmet just would not fuck off FFSSSS 1995, the CGI was so rudimentarily tinpot they may as well have just used claymation or some shit.